"The Digital Narrative for lifelong learning informed by the latest innovation and Technology in the Fashion Value Chain"

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INSIGHT # 6 The Philosopher

We interviewed aesthetic philosopher Michael Spicher PhD for our INSIGHT series.

Exploring how aesthetic experiences extend beyond traditional art and design into everyday life and digital contexts, Spicher emphasises the importance of integrating aesthetics into our work and home environments.  He investigates the philosophical and ethical implications of digital fashion and virtual worlds, particularly focusing on identity representation, cultural appropriation, and the nature of digital objects.

He believes digital fashion offers a unique, low-risk space for experimentation, which can help individuals discover and develop their personal style digitally for potential integration into their physical world. 

Spicher advocates for maintaining empathy and constructive engagement in digital interactions and cautions against the institutionalisation of digital fashion as it grows.

Discover The Digital Fashion Group INSIGHT series, and learn in what ways technology and fashion intersect.  Each interview presents a unique perspective, showcasing the versatility of digital fashion.

Categories: Updates

1 min read

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